'Better than your Nonna’s' Summer Tomato Sauce


You heard it from Nonna first…

what you need:

30-40 oz of cherry tomatoes (1-2 large punnets)

3/4 cup dry white wine (Pinot Grigio)

olive oil

kosher salt

what you do:

Add 3 tbsp of olive oil to a large skillet over medium-high heat and add tomatoes. Toss to coat and cover the pan to allow the tomatoes to begin to steam (4-5 mins). As the tomatoes soften, use a masher or the back of a fork to crush the tomatoes (be careful- they spurt!). Add a large pinch of salt and 3/4 cup white wine. Bring to a boil, carefully mashing tomatoes and forming a sauce. After ~5 mins, reduce the heat to low and cover for another 15- 30 mins (the longer, the softer the tomatoes get and more saucy the sauce will become). Taste and add salt as needed. If the sauce becomes too thick, reserve some of the pasta water and add to the sauce before serving.


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