Tomato Confit


Pictured on toast, but i’ve been putting this shit on everything.


what you need:

~10 cherry tomatoes (per serving)

olive oil


what you do:

drizzle 1 tbsp of olive oil in a frying pan and heat over medium. add tomatoes and a pinch of salt, shake to coat, and cover the pan. after 3-4 mins, use the back of the fork to press gently on each tomato. if soft, they should crush easily using minimal pressure. if they are still hard, cover and steam for 2 more mins. mash all tomatoes and cook for an extra minute or so until fully softened and a sauce has formed. taste and season with more salt as needed. you can jazz it up by mixing in torn basil at the end if feeling fancy.

eat on toast, as a simple pasta sauce, on chicken cutlets, or by the goddamn spoonful (no shame).


Basil Oil


Fried Eggplant with Honey and Goat Cheese