pan fried fish with tomatillo salsa verde


created in the winter but definitely meant for the summer.

what you need

for the tomatillo salsa verde

4 tomatillos, husks removed and halved

1 jalapeno, seeds removed and halved

1/2 red or white onion

2 whole anchovies

1 tsp of capers

1 large garlic clove, roughly chopped

half bunch of parsley

half bunch of cilantro

juice of two limes

salt and pepper (to taste)


for the fish

fish of choice (I love a branzino or rainbow trout fillet, skin on)

salt and pepper


what you do

preheat oven to 450 degrees. toss tomatillos, jalapeño, and red onion with olive and a pinch of salt & pepper, then roast until charred, 15-20 mins.

in a food processor combine roasted veggies (along with their juices), anchovies, capers, garlic, parsley, cilantro, and lime juice. taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.

heat a non-stick pan over medium high heat. pat fish dry and season with salt and pepper on both sides. drizzle fish with EVOO on both sides and gently rub to spread evenly. when pan is hot, place fish skin side down. gently press down to prevent the fish from curling up. cook until skin is charred and crispy, and flesh is 75% cooked through (you can watch the color turn from fleshy to opaque as it cooks). flip and cook for 1-2 mins longer until cooked through.

plate skin side down and brush with tomatillo salsa verse. finish with micro greens and a squeeze of lime. ENJOY!


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